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This is Black Beard. He's a Gold Fantail. He was bought because he orginialy had black on his dorsal & tail fins, but as soon as was placed in the tank, lost his black. He only recently lost the gold in his tail fins due to lack of light. He's the 2nd oldest, around 3.5 years.

BB is the first confirmed MALE goldfish in the tank as of now! He has the white breeding spots on his gill plates! And won't leave poor Luic alone at certain time. Fishie Love is in the Water!


This is Grim (Grimmie) Reaper. He's a Black Moor who was the baby of the tank. He's half the size of everybody else and seems to have a aggression toword food. He'll chase the others away from it while eatting his mouthful. He's so cute!

Grim now has the nickname of "BullDog" becasue of the way he "attacks" my fingure everytime i place it in front of him. He reminds me of a bulldog on a chain, barking at you. He is now in the 45g with BB, Luic, and Timmy!.

This year (06) has confirmed Grim's gender as male. He got the breeding stars and the ridge bumps on his finny arms. 2 males to 2 females. Laz & Sam are too young to guess yet.

This is Diablo.

Black w/ Red Crowntail boy, who almost jumped out of his cup at the store, he was in such a hurry to get out there. A friend got a brother of his, looks the same, but w/ more blue.

meow face


One of the Ottos living in the 20g


This is Lucifer the Second. She's a Red Rykuin. She's the second goldfish named this, due to the 1st Lucifer died in an ammonia spike. She’s only 4” long, minus the tailfins. She's lost a little color in her tail fins, but still is a healthy red/orange. She's is roughly 3.5-4 years old. Because of the length of her finage, we think she might some veiltail genes in her.

It does appear that dear sweet Luic is a female. How do I know this? BB won't stop chasing her around the tank, nudging her backside.

Currently, I fear she has a tumor growing on/in her tail fins. It's been there for years, but just recently gotten bigger. I am watching her like a hawl.


This is Timmy! She's a Chocolate Fantail, although she's not the best example of one. Her fins (all of them) are stunted. But this doesn't seem to affect her swimming or eatting. She's a sneaky fish, nicked-named the "Goldfish Shark" and is the largest fish by some.

She's also the only surrivor of the tank I bought her from, they all turned up very sick later that week and died the next. Timmy! is named after the kid in South Park who rides in a wheelchair and shouts "TIMMY!".

Kool update on Timmy, it appears than He's a She! She's the 3rd oldest, around 2.5-3 years and while the other confirmed fishes swam and played, she lacked the "male" signs - so I'm taking it as she is a she! 2 females, 2 males!

That was yummie





This is the baby, Samael. He's a little bitty calico ranchu, less than 2" long. I got him shortly after Miss B's passing. He was kept in the 20g tank by himself for the longest time, but he was so scared. After 3 weeks, he was joined by Laz, the Gurrls, and One & Two.

Currently he is swimming around with the others. He seems capable of holding his own at meal time, the others are more concerned with getting food than fighting with him. He's gotten alittle bigger, but it's more in belly than in length.


This is Lazurus, a white/yellow Lionhead. He's about 2 to 2.5 inches long and is not the best example of a Lionhead, he has a slight hump on his back and a small bit of fin where he shouldn't have any.

He was living with Sam in the 20 gallon, but recently has been moved into the big tank with everyone else. Big changes are coming to my fishes, they are getting a 90 gallon tank very soon. They'll be so freaking happie and maybe Laz and Sam will finally grow some.


These are the Dwarf Pufferfish, freshwater type. They are very, very small. The male is the largest at 1.5 inches and the smallest female is .75 inches big.

They recently moved from the HEX 5 gallon tank to a new Eclispe 12 I found at the Salvation Army store (fro $24.95) with the two living Ottos (One and Two). They where upset the first day, I had to hand catch them (no nets) and where stressed, but the females started playing within hours.

By the way, the male is Puff Daddy, the larger female is Puffette, and the small female is Puffinia. Or also known as Puff Daddy and his Hoes.

Those who have passed on....

As of Nov 08, 2004 Sunrise passed away in the night of old age. His Ghost shrimp outlived him. We will miss you sweetie. :(

As of Dec 8, 2004 Moonstruck was laid to rest. She was suffering from Fish TB and her passing way was aided by me. Goodbye sweetie girl, may you be much happier in The Fish Tank in the Sky.

End of '04, Poor Drag Queen passed on of old age. I found his remains in the girl tank one morning and gave him his final goodbye. You'll be missed Queenie.

As of Jan '05, poor Mist has joined her sister fishes in Fishy Tank in the Sky. She had been sick for almost 2 weeks before I noticed her and came to her aid. But it was too late, she had dropsied and passed on shortly after.

As of Feb '05, we suffered two losses in the finny world. Drizzit's Pet finally passed on due to old age and Scruffbutt also passed but to some unknown aliment. DP said his goodnight to me one evening, then when we awoke, was gone. Scruffy had gotten a sudden fungal infection that I caught too late and dropsied. He passed shortly after. Both of my babies will be missed, go swim with the other up in the Great Tank Beyond.

In the Month of March, 2005 we again lost another finny child. Bloodryne, my Orange CT female betta succumbed to a fatal doubt of dropsy. Her sibling within the tank, Yellow, Split Fin, and Thunderagea are also ill, suffering from strange disease causing fin rot and horrible (non-dropsy) bloating.

In May '05, poor Split Fin passed on. One morning I had noticed somebody must have attacked her during the night. Her deformed gill plate had been almost off her body and she was sunk to the bottom, in a strange position. By the next morning, it was too late. She had passed on.

End of May '05 Somehow, poor 4-eyes has disappeared from his tank. There have been no signs of him for almost 4 weeks now. I miss my little Endler.

June of ’05, I had to put Miss Yellow down, the tumor in her stomach had arched her spine and made it very hard for her to swim or eat. I couldn’t watch her suffer like that.

Aug '05 saw two losses. Thundergea finally passed, succumbing to some strange fungus that treatment didn't catch fast enough. And one week earlier that that, Firestorm passed overnight. Bye sweeties, I tried.

As of 09/06/05, the fishy children I gave to friends are still living. Cellophane still lives w/ Babbette. (both given to same person) Spitfire is swimming happily now in TX. (One person w/ complete tank set-up).

As of late 10/05, poor Cellophane has passed on to the great fish tank in the sky. He tried playing WDIF and got trapped underneath his cup. Poor sweetie, we shall miss you dearly.

Also within the month of Oct, '05, Lady Beelzebub lost her battle with dropsy. She had spent almost the whole year ill, either floating helpless at the surface or sunk to the bottom. Her passing hurt me more than any other fishy I ever owned. I still cry about her at times. When she passed, she was 5.5" long (minus tail) and almost 1lb in weight. I miss you sweetie and I hope your time on this earth wasn't too bad.

Dec '05 - Ghost passed on to the great Beyond due to some unknown fungus/rot attacking his tail fin. I knew he was gonna pass, no mare how much meds I gave him, so just made him comfy till the end. His tank was stripped and tossed, Follower was moved to the 20g, but passed away himself within a day.

Jan '06 - Bone, my 2nd oldest Betta, got dropsy and passed away. She made it far, outliving everybody else in some horrible conditions too. She left the 20g in charge of Big Mama, Laz, Sam, and the 2 Ottos. Bye my pretty little lady.

April ’06 – Big Mama finally lived her last days. Old age came and collected my sweet lady and took her far away from me. :(

June ’06 – Hey You passed over suddenly. I changed his water one day and noticed he looked swollen. I treated him, but he passed in the night.

July '06: Poor Mister Marble is now longer with us. Old Age finally caught up with him and he passed fast. Bye pretty boy.
Aug 06': Mister Diablo passed on just a month after arriving of a Columniaris infection. I wish I could have done, faster. I'm sorry sweetie.
Oct 06': Otto One & Two have both died (only 1 body found). I'm not sure if the DPF ate them or what, but either of them have been seen in 2 weeks. Poor little sucker-fish...
Dec 06': Mister Puff Daddy passed away suddenly. He was AWAL for 5 days before being officialy declared dead. RIP little dude - your gurls miss you dearly.


Lady Beelzebub

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